Escape to the Moon!

  • Duration: 1 Hour
  • Location/Format: Online
  • Presenter: Duane ‘Digger’ Carey
  • Suitable for 5-12 yrs

Digger’s Gateway Challenge

First – watch the video above from our live event!

Can you create an original argument for or against the building of NASA’s proposed Lunar Gateway. You should study the subject as much as you can, but try and come up with your own arguments, rather than any you find during your research. NASA knows what information is already out there and they are only interested in new ideas.

This challenge is open to P1 – P7 students

Standard 3 paragraph essay format:

  1. First paragraph being the introduction and statement of your position on the Gateway.
  2. Second paragraph being a concise argument that supports your stated position (no more than 3 points, but a solo strong point should be judged above three weak ones).
  3. Conclusion paragraph that briefly restates your position and includes a short rundown of the main point(s) you made in the second paragraph.

There are lost of guides to help you write a three-paragraph essay and we’ve included one here.

There are no word limits or specified paragraph lengths, the word count and paragraph length can be age appropriate.

Please send your finished essays to The Science O3 committee will review all essays for originality, format, age-appropriateness (i.e., no excessive parental involvement). If you’d like to draw a picture to go with your essay, we’d love to see that too! The best entries will be sent to Digger to choose winners and forward to NASA!

Good Luck!





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