Schools & Early Years Programme

  • Duration: 5 Days
  • Location/Format: Various
  • Presenter: Science03
  • Suitable for Schools & Early Years

Science Skills Academy — Land Yachts

Pupils will build their own land yacht out of Lego and then race them against each other. They will then use their maths skills to calculate the speed of their land yacht.

The Critter Keeper

Meet the Critter Keeper and his fantastic Critter Crew. A hands-on experience where you can learn fun and exciting facts about exotic animals from around the world.

Dynamic Earth — Puffin Detectives

In this interactive storytelling-style workshop, learners will investigate the effects of climate change on Scottish wildlife via the investigations of two young ‘Pufflings’ living on the Isle of May. They will discover more about these iconic birds and their way of life, fitting them into the wider picture of life on and around the island. Through a series of fun activities, they will find out how variations in weather affect butterfly populations, seal pups and ultimately the food which the puffins depend on.

Dynamic Earth — Climate Change

During this workshop, your pupils will investigate how the UK has been affected by climate change over recent decades and the implications of this for the future. Using a combination of discussion and activities, pupils will investigate the greenhouse effect and identify sources and sinks of greenhouse gases. They will finish off by playing ‘Science or Fiction’ an interactive game exploring some of the solutions being proposed to combat climate change.

TechFest — Gruesome Guts

Follow the journey of food from your mouth, through the acid bath in your stomach, along metre, after metre of pulsating guts and out the other end! Find out how the body gets energy and nutrients from food, and what waste we leave behind.

Children learn about the key organs and functions in the digestion system.

TechFest — Energising the transition: Electromagnetism!

Understanding the properties of magnets is central to the energy industry and to many aspects of our daily lives. In this hands-on investigative workshop, working in small teams, pupils discover the properties and uses of magnets and magnetism and are introduced to the amazing phenomenon of electromagnetism.

Highland & Countryside Rangers

Wet and wild in Caithness – the freshwater ecology of our amazing landscape

Learn about the cool creatures found living around the water, on and below the surface! Why our wetlands are so important, the amazing properties of water, the water cycle and how we can help conserve water and the amazing freshwater ecosystems of Caithness.

Mark Thompson

Spectacular Science Show

You think science is boring, think again; this is science like you have never seen it before. Designed for children and adults alike, Mark’s Spectacular Science Show explores the strange and magical properties of matter with exploding elephant’s toothpaste, vortex-generating dustbins, and fireballs.

Astronomy Talk (for Primary Schools)

Mark will cover topics to support astronomy related science elements. It will start with Earth, our place in space and how we interact with it. We see how astronomers use telescopes to study light from distant objects. After considering the Earth in space, attention is turned to the Sun, the Moon and other planets before looking at stars and galaxies. Mark will also show learners rocks from the Moon and Mars and even a shooting star! There will be time for questions after the talk.

Topics Covered:

• Seasons and Earth in Space
• Nature of light
• The Sun and Moon
• Astronomical Distances
• Features of the Solar System

Astronomy Talk – Secondary Schools

In this session, Mark will cover topics to support astronomy related science elements. It will start with a look at the nature of matter, at its different states and where we observe these differences in the Universe. The nature of light and gravity is then covered before we look at how telescopes and other instruments are used to probe the secrets of space. We look at astronomical distances and how they are calculated before turning attention to some of the objects in space including the Sun, stars, the planets and in particular our place in it. Mark will also show them rocks from the Moon and Mars and even a shooting star! There will be time for questions after the talk.

Topics Covered:

• Atomic structure
• Nature of light
• Gravity
• Astronomical distances
• Sun and Stars
• Features of Solar System
• Seasons
• Atmosphere of the Earth

Sleep Talk – Secondary Schools

In September 2021, Mark lectured for 140 hours and 42 minutes, almost 6 days! In doing so, he pushed his mind and body to their limits, experiencing extreme sleep deprivation. He teamed up with three groups of scientists at Cambridge and Oxford Universities in UK and the University of Upsula in Sweden and worked with them to get a better understanding of sleep by exploring the circadian rhythm through to investigating physical appearance as we get more and more tired. Having had this life changing experience and having become fascinated by sleep, Mark is keen to spread the word of its importance especially among younger people and so is now offering a one hour talk about his endeavours, the mysteries of sleep and how it can affect our ability to learn.

During the one-hour session Mark will start by explaining how our relationship with sleep has changed since our cave dwelling days and how varied sleep is among the animal kingdom. He will then discuss what we do know about sleep; about the circadian rhythm and how it changes throughout our lives, the different stages of sleep and even how we dream, what happens when we sleep and what happens when we don’t! He will talk about the importance of sleep, what can happen if we don’t get enough and what we can do to improve the sleep we are getting. The hour will end with Mark explaining what he will be doing for his world record attempt and how the children can get involved.

Glasgow Science Centre

Journey Through My Body: P1-P3

Follow your food’s journey through the amazing body. Find out where and how food travels through the body and the importance of diet and making healthy choices. CFE: Biological Systems, Health and Wellbeing

Disgusting Digestion: P4 – P7

Follow your food’s journey through the amazing body. Find out where and how food travels through the body and the importance of diet and making healthy choices. CFE: Biological Systems

Fitlab Exhibit Session: P1-P7

Your pupils can explore their endurance, power, agility, speed and coordination through a range of zoned exhibits. They will be invited to become scientist and subject in a personalised investigation designed to test their limits.


Nature-themed arts activities (stone/wood decoration painting), one or two games (food chain game and pollination game), Weather permitting, outdoor “bioblitz/spotting” session or wildflower seed bombs and/or bird feeders.

Royal Highland Education Trust

Learners will discover more about where their food comes from, including cereal crops and dairy products.

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Rainforests in your Playground

Become a member of the science team at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh and head out on an expedition. Discover what it would be like to visit a tropical rainforest through interacting with real rainforest plants and exploring rainforests through our virtual reality headsets! Then head out on an expedition into your own playground to discover how the environment in Scotland is different and to see if we can find evidence of Scotland’s very own temperate rainforests!

Bubble Workshop

Children will join local presenter, Amanda for a fascinating look at the world of bubbles!

Pat Ramsay

Learners will enjoy am interactive session, including a story about trees, before making a newspaper tree and learning a new action song.


Energising the Transition: Energy Explorers

Welcome Energy Explorers! In this fun and interactive workshop learn about different types of energy and the renewable energy sources helping to power our world!
In this energy inspired workshop, pupils get the opportunity to explore the science behind renewable energy and take part in hands-on activities. Join us on this exciting renewable energy journey and discover more about the world around you!

Play Away Music

Learners will enjoy an interactive music and sound workshop, exploring basic elements of the science of sound.

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